Derek McAleer is the pastor of St. Marys
United Methodist Church in St. Marys,
Georgia. He is a graduate of Candler
School of Theology, Atlanta, Georgia,
and holds a D.Min. from McCormick
Theological Seminary, Chicago, Illinois.
Last year, St. Marys received the news
of a multimillion dollar bequest left by
a member of the congregation.
Tell us the story of how your church
came to receive a generous bequest.
Mr. Warren Bailey had been a member here
basically all his life. He was an 87
year-old bachelor who had owned a local
telephone company. When he died last
year his will named eight beneficiaries
for individual amounts and then he named
us, his church, as the recipient of the
remainder of his estate. It turned out
that our share of the estate is going to
be around $60 million.
Do you remember your initial reaction
was when you heard this news?
I was terrified! The first thing I
worried about is what this was going to
do to our church. My sense of the
Bible's teaching on money is it would be
good if you could say it was neutral,
but it hasn't even reached neutral. Most
of the scriptures in the Bible about
money are warnings or negative in
nature. So I see money as a great trap.
I was much more worried about how this
bequest was going to hurt us. Most of
the steps we have taken have been
motivated at least as much by a desire
to protect ourselves as to provide for
others. I can't say that we have been so
pure of heart. We've been scared to
death in trying to preserve our own fold
as well as to care for other people.
I've talked with probably 25 churches
that have received great bequests to
learn from them. Every church has told
me that somehow it had hurt them. Do you
think that this gift has hurt your
church? What effect has it had?
I think it's too early to tell how it's
changed us. Ten years from now we'll
know whether we've done a good job of
handling it. We have no perspective now.
The biggest hurt that it's had so far is
in my time. It has taken my time and
energy away from things. We did hire an
associate because we needed someone to
provide pastoral care. I'm sure there
are things that we haven't foreseen yet,
that we just don't have enough
experience to know about. I'm sure there
are things we are going to have to
We have made a concerted effort that
during the hour of worship we not spend
our energy or attention on the bequest.
The last Sunday in July 2000, when we
made the announcement of the gift, I
preached on it, and again in September
for our stewardship sermon -- there's no
way you can be raising pledges in the
church that just inherited $60M and not
talk about it. Those are the only two
Sundays we have talked about it in
worship. There are other times the
church can do that. I really do think
that has helped us. I think the gift has
actually hurt my evangelism efforts in
the community. People don't want to be
perceived as joining the church just
because it has money. Which speaks well
of them.
What process has the church taken to
handle the gift?
We've put $40.7 million into a
separately incorporated foundation and
put some firewalls up between it and the
church. Our intention was to isolate
that money from the normal, day-to-day
affairs of the congregation. If at every
meeting we have to think about how our
investments are doing, we're in a heap
of trouble. So, we put that money aside.
We allocated $16 million to our missions
committee to give away. They received a
portion of that last January. In
February and March they gave away $7
million, which was great fun! I spent
one day calling people, after the board
approved the plan, to tell them how much
money they were getting. How often do
you get to spend a day giving away $7
million? It was wonderful.
I'm sure you have transformed some
ministries that have received your
One thing that we did was to work with
the organizations that we had already
been working with for years and years
where relationships had already
developed. In some instances we
designated our money for what we see as
less popular areas like the
administrative and office costs which
are hard to raise money for, but are
Have you developed some other
guidelines or particular goals for
The foundation is working on that now.
They haven't given away any money and
don't expect to until the end of the
year. The reason is that the foundation
looks at being here for the long term.
We've been working on our mission
statement and our grant procedures and
all that for six months now, and we're
several months away from giving away any
money. It's a lot harder than I had
thought. I had no idea how hard it would
be to give away significant amounts of
money. I have learned a lot more about
the burden of wealth than I ever knew
before. There are just a whole lot more
details to worry about.
What other effects have you seen as a
result of this experience?
One of the things that has happened, of
necessity, is that most of the
committees working with the money have
become a bit more cynical about the
requests they get. We have tons of
people who want us to loan them money,
who are in trouble but don't want to
change the things in their lives that
got them into trouble. They just want to
be bailed out and then go on their way.
It's hard to hear these stories and not
just throw up your hands. Every broker
in the country called us. There is a
proverb that wealthy people always have
friends. We have laughed about it, but
we made a poster and put it on the wall
just to remind us why people are
treating us so good. We have become real
sticklers about that. We won't even let
anybody buy us lunch anymore. We're glad
to go out to lunch with you, but we do
it Dutch. We've been very careful. You
can begin to think somehow you're more
important than you are. We're not any
more important that we were a year or
two years ago. We may have greater
responsibility than we did, but we're
not any more important.
What was the church like before the
We were fortunate enough to be a growing
congregation and doing well financially
even before this news came. In fact, in
the 1999 end-of-year report, when our
treasurer told us how much money was in
our checkbook, we said, "We're a church,
we're not supposed to have that kind
surplus." We spent a month talking about
it, and ended up giving away $22,000. So
we were doing well financially but we
also said at the time that the Bible
teaches, "if you are faithful over a
little, I'll make you ruler over much."
We thought that the $22,000 that we were
giving away was the "much." We did not
have a clue what was going to happen six
months later. One of the great things
that happened, when we heard about the
big money, was that our leadership was
able to say we had already made the
decision about what to do with extra
money; now what we're talking about is
the amount.
Do you think this has caused members
of the congregation to consider their
own attitudes and values about money?
An interesting thing is that our giving
has gone up. Our pledges increased about
$70,000 after the report of the gift
came. Actual giving has gone up as well.
So people must be examining their own
I say quite freely to people that I
don't have a clue what's going on. I
don't pretend to understand why people
are giving the kind of money they are
giving. If God's not in on it, who is?
But I'm enjoying it. Wish I understood
it, but I don't. The Bible does say that
where your treasure is that's where your
heart is going to be. When our church
decided to put its treasure in helping
others in mission work, maybe our hearts
are going to follow that. One of the
truths that we can see in our
congregation is that if other people had
paid all of our bills, it would have
weakened us. One of our reasons for
giving the money away was that if we
kept any, if we lived off this money and
we didn't give ourselves, it would hurt
us. Our goal is to still be a Christian
congregation when the money is gone. We
could so easily become a club. The
question is, how can we maintain what it
means to be Christian? That's a more
difficult task than I ever thought. When
you don't have a lot, it's easy to
think, "Ah, those rich folks, they ought
to do this and that." I'm much more
sympathetic now.
Despite the Bible's rather negative
views about wealth?
I think that wealth itself is very
dangerous. No question about that. But I
don't think everyone who has it succumbs
to the danger. There are people who
realize that if you just give to
everyone who comes along asking, that
doesn't mean that you've done any good
and you may have done some harm. You've
got to have money. But money itself is
not enough. It takes money plus
opportunities, thinking, planning. We're
trying to figure out what we can do to
create some long term social change in
the housing projects here in St. Mary's.
We're going to have to offer job
training. We're going to have to offer
basic life skills training. We're going
to have to offer child care. If we just
pay all the electric bills every month,
we haven't made any substantial change
in people's lives. If we're going to
make substantial change in their lives,
then they're going to have to get some
education and some motivation to get
that education. There has to be tutoring
to get that education. Someone has got
to take care of the kids while they get
that education.
It's a complex set of problems.
It's not popular to hear about complex
problems. It's much more popular to
blame the poor people for being poor.
There is a need for personal
responsibility. But that doesn't sum the
thing up. We know some mothers are
conning us for help. If I'm a mother and
I don't have enough to feed my kids, and
I think it takes conning to feed my
kids, then I'm going to learn to con.
That's just learning how to survive in
the system.
How do you feel about government
funding for faith-based initiatives?
I think it's a falsehood for God's
people to say we've got to have
government money for what needs to be
done. My experience is that most
churches have more than enough money to
pay for what people want to do. The
question is what they want to do. If the
roof falls in, most of our churches are
going to be able to figure out a way to
get that roof fixed. Most of us, in the
middle class, semi-rural churches that
I'm serving, do what we want to do. We
buy what we want to buy. We get what we
want to get. And if we want to make
significant social change, the money is
there. But we can't do that and have two
cars, and a boat, a four-wheeler, and
all those toys. The question is: how are
we going to order our lives?
You've done a lot of thinking about
this, even before the gift.
I don't think that our basic attitude
has changed. We formed our basic
attitude about money years ago, not just
me but the whole church. This is not a
wealthy church, and has not always had a
lot of money but is the most generous
congregation I have ever served. Very
gracious in a number of ways. They are
gracious people and want to do for
others and see the need to be active in
our community and around the world. I
don't think the bequest formed those
opinions. It made us dig a little deeper
into our values because there is no
question that we are tempted far beyond
what we were tempted before. When you
get this kind of money, you can't help
but walk around and think of all the
things we could do to our building and
all the things we could do with more
property. The truth of the matter is if
we need more buildings, then we can
build more buildings. Our congregation
was able to do that before the bequest
came, and it will do it now.